Vanilla article

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
The documentor hits for the first time in Lussumo! Below is the article I have been writing for Wikipedia about Vanilla, my articles about Lussumo and Filebrowser are still on the makes. Feel free to point out my embarrassing mistakes and rip through my childlike self esteem. I'd do the same for you. If you have anything to add or to remove are taken in consideration. --- Vanilla is a free lightweight and extensible open source forum software developed by Mark O'Sullivan using PHP scripting language and MySQL database management system. Some features of Vanilla include: Accessible and minimal user interface. Atom feed. Easy templating system using CSS to fully customize your board to look just the way you like it. Extension system, for users to use and develop new extensions to add functionality. Language components, several language components for localization. Whispers, for private conversations. Intelligent search and search bookmarking system, for users to bookmark their most used searches. Latest release --- <-this is a liney doohikey 0.9.2 (stable) released July 25, 2005 History --- <- again that pesky liney thingey Vanilla was started by Mark O'Sullivan after he shut down his private forum called "o8" which he had custom programmed for his own needs. After the shut down a lot of people were asking if Mark would release the software behind the "o8" forum which led Mark to program a forum software based on it and release it free. The first version of Vanilla was identical to the old "o8" forum software, but web communities and forum softwares had changed since the time the first "o8" was released, which led Mark to completely redesign the Vanilla forum to add something that contemporary software didn't have and what would make Vanilla stand out. At the time of the first beta of Vanilla going online the community was quickly built and the development continued on some of the Vanillas most notable features, like simplicity and extensions. When Mark finally released the 0.9 version of Vanilla in July 16, 2005 it was an instant hit. Future --- <- you know who is here With the core idea of Vanilla established, Mark is working on the foundation called "The Lussumo Framework" for Vanilla and future Lussumo web based applications codenamed only, Lemonade and Oregano. Some of the future features of Vanilla 0.9.3 which doesn't yet have a release schedule are: Intelligent templating system that allows the user to completely alter the XHTML behind the forum. Speed improvements, Vanilla will access the database even faster than before. Improved extension management allows extension authors more freedom than before. After the 0.9.3 beta goes online and has been thoroughly tested, it will be released as Vanilla 1.


  • shedudle == schedule I also think there should be colons before the lists as opposed to full stops. Some of the grammar throughout seems a bit strange but i'll leave that to a true gnatzi to correct, few ones i'm pretty sure of are: 'software' i believe is a plural word and cannot be used in the singular, though i'm not 100% Vanilla will access database ==> Vanilla will access the database "after he shut down of" should either be 'after the shutdown of' or (preferably) 'after he shut down' "needs, after" ==> "needs. After" "alot" although common, is technically not correct --> 'a lot' "forum softwares had" - depending on whether software is plural or singular, "forum software had" "changed during the time" ==> "changed since[ the time]" "quickly build and" ==> "quickly built" "on some of the Vanillas most" seems odd. Perhaps just 'on some of vanillas most'. maybe not. Perhaps change Vanilla 1 to Vanilla v1? Just a suggestion. Other than those, cool.
  • edited September 2005
    Thanks, mini. Reading that article again, I can spot few of the mistakes myself, been written here at work, it's a speed job. But do you find the article informative anough? Should there be something more? Changed the article to the new "fixed" one. I decided to keep all Vanilla words capitalized. And the Vanilla 1 was Mark's words so I left it that way untill he says something about it. There was also something personal info about his plans for the future, so I'm saving that for the Lussumo article.
  • Since no one gave a flying *huhumm* I went and posted the article to the wiki and I'll let you guys to go and fix it OR you can whisper or something to me and I'll fix it. Something I'm going to do for the article at some point is take a screen of Vanilla default theme and add it there and ofcourse keep on updating it when more info of future updates are revealed.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    What's the url where you added it?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Neat :)
  • How does wikipedia work? Does it automatically highlight those random words and link them or do you have to do it yourself? Just curious...
  • I believe you have to do it yourself.
  • I had to do it myself, altho, there are some modules built for dokuwiki or some other, that does a search on the database and links the words to the articles with 90% or higher match. You can also set it that it does a google search on the words but I wouldn't recommend it since it can lead to anywhere. I'm just hoping that media wiki will get modular expansion aswell. And I still have to link some words and do the Lussumo and Filebrowser articles aswell, altho I'm thinking that it might be best to make the filebrowser just a part of the Lussumo article since there are some well known filebrowsers out there like *cough* explorer.exe *cough*
  • oh. interesting. dont the filebrowser and explorer.exe do entirely different jobs?
  • yeah but if you take the name "filebrowser" and take a closer look at it, it's not the perfect name for Marks program, and there are several more accurate articles I could think for it thank the Lussumo Filebrowser.
  • ehhh... "The first version of Vanilla was identical to the old "o8" forum software, but web communities and forum softwares had changed since the time the first "o8" was released"... I want to say that this is a bit wrong. In fact, the first public showing of vanilla looked nothing like o8, it looked more like it was something pulled straight from or intended for basecamp.
  • good work tho otherwise :D
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited September 2005
    The first version of Vanilla was identical to the old "o8" forum software

    Actually, that's true. But that version never saw the light of day.
  • yeah lech, i was gonna say the same, but on the basis that kosmo had mailed mark the questions and presumably written the report based on the answer, i wasnt gonna argue.
  • The odds of me knowing something like "o8" without Mark telling me are pretty small.
  • indeed.
  • There was no o8.... I don't know what you guys are talking about
  • There is no you either, so I don't know how you are talking about it.
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