Characters encodings, the UTF-8 conundrum

HortonHorton New
edited February 2011 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
My forum is littered with Special characters that the users did not type. I think anytime I do a database restore is gets way worse. I see this thing  every where. Is there an easy fix or way to clean?


  • edited September 2008
    Look at the documentation about encoding:
  • edited September 2008
    You have to check everything is using the correct encoding (html form, the database and the connexion with database) and if you database and will also need to convert you db to utf-8 I am guessing (if you want to use utf-8). Check what is the encoding used by your database first (using phpmyadmin)
  • Horton, my email address is my username at gmail dot com. If you trust me enough, email me your login info for your server and I will try to see what's going wrong.
  • I never did try to clean this up with Vanilla V1. Now that I am about to jump to V2 (maybe) I wonder if this is still going to be an isse. When I import I see tabs and extra spaces converted to "Â" but if the issue will be gone going forward I can live with that.
  • I never did try to clean this up with Vanilla V1. Now that I am about to jump to V2 (maybe) I wonder if this is still going to be an isse. When I import I see tabs and extra spaces converted to "Â" but if the issue will be gone going forward I can live with that.
    2 logic things : did you have the "Â" in Vanilla 1 too?
    The character coding for MySQL tables is that utf-8 or something else? and what about for the MySQL fields?

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  • In the past -the problem is in V1 - I think it popped up when I had to do a restore from archive. (Hackers beat the tar out of me in 2010)

    Threads that have been imported from V1 to V2 are full of them. If this is only a migration issue I guess I can over look it. It is on my list of things to understand before I make the jump to V2.

    The issue only shows up in posts that have Tabs or multiple spaces or special charictors. This is not that common but it looks rookie when it happens.
  • I understand and it's really interesting. Maybe it's something to be looked into for the porter application.
    The character encoding is the solution here, in my opinion.
    The MySQL tables, are they on utf-8 or something else? (find it in your PHPMyAdmin)
    Same goes for the fields in the discussion and comment tables :-)

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  • I poked around in the PHPMyAdmin and yes it is all set to utt_8_unicode_ci (as far as I can tell)

    Beats me. Really not my biggest issue
  • Ok, sorry, 1 last question. Can you look in the Vanilla 1 database and Vanilla 2 database and see if both character encodings are on utf-8.
    After that I'll drop the issue if it's not a big deal to you :-)

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  • yes they are both UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
    Don't get me wrong this is on my list of headaches. It is just not #1. See the other thread.
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