Post Count

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

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Currently, on the Categories page, it only lists the total amount of discussion with a specific category, any chance you could also add a count so it displays how many total posts are within the category also?


  • Its definately easily possible, i'll have a dig through the files and work out how to do it but by the time i'm done someone will probably have a better answer...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    To make that query run quickly, it would have to be denormalized. I will not be doing that for the next rev.
  • denormalised?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    To denormalize the post count, I would need to keep a record of the number of posts in a particular category in the category table. Technically I don't *have* to do that because the data is currently normalized and I can get that information with a simple "select count(CommentID) from some_table group by categoryid" type of sql statement. But that statement is a lot slower than just selecting a managed column directly from the category table.
  • ahh, i get you. That was the way i was considering it. I dont think of just changing the way it works to begin with, or consider speed. This is why you do your job and i do nothing...
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