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Unable to Sign in after Install
I have completely reinstalled a new installation twice and after completing the installation I am unable to sign-in with the admin account that I created during installation. Has anyone else ever encountered this and what could be causing it? I am using 1.1.5a. I have never had this problem before. I even requested a password reset, I reset my password to something as simple as apple and I still cannot sign-in.
Some problems were encountered
You do not have permission to sign in to the site.
Thanks in advance.
This discussion has been closed.
add test.php to your forum root:
<?php $Configuration = array(); include_once 'conf/settings.php'; session_set_cookie_params(0, $Configuration['COOKIE_PATH'], $Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN']); session_start(); if (empty($_GET['result'])) { $_SESSION['test'] = 1; Header('Location: test.php?result=1'); } else { echo empty($_SESSION['test']) ? 'test failed, something is wrong with your php session' : 'Fine'; }
Then open it in the browser.
mysql -u YourDbUserName -p
use YourVanillaDatabse; SELECT r.RoleID, r.PERMISSION_SIGN_IN FROM lum_role as r LEFT JOIN lum_user as u ON r.RoleID = u.RoleID WHERE u.UserID = 1;
it should show that PERMISSION_SIGN_IN is set 1