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Integrate Chat with Your Vanilla Forum

RaizeRaize vancouver ✭✭
edited October 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
After searching around, I realized that there is no chat or shoutbox extension for the current version of Vanilla. To get around this, I hope I can get some help from those of you with coding skills to use the ever more valuable Page Manager extension (which does work with 1.1.5a).

I found a good piece of open source chat software AJAX Chat. Once the files are copied to the root folder of Vanilla, it should only be a matter of having the appropriate code/script which makes the chat show up in a new page manager tab. The great thing is that this solution will work for as long as Page Manager is compatible with Vanilla, which should be a while :)


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    RaizeRaize vancouver ✭✭
    edited October 2008
    I tried that one but I'm getting an error, probably because it hasn't been updated to 1.1.5a yet...and I'd rather have chat set up in a tab rather than have a link right under the link for "start a new discussion" due to the fact that it would result in less posts and more useless "chatting"

    Which takes me back to my original point, which is that PageManager is compatible with all versions of Vanilla 1 so far... so if we could embed the chat functionality into a PageManager page, it would solve issues such as needing to update the add on every time the forum software is updated.
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    edited October 2008
    You can still put PFC in a tab using PageManager. Just create a new tab with the same link as the panel link, then go into PFC options and disable the panel link. This used to be the recommended way to link PFC until I got too many complaints. The panel link didn't even exist until v1.1.0.
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    RaizeRaize vancouver ✭✭
    Good point, I was just thinking of that but can I disable the panel link from the admin settings page (guessing I will need set list)
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    If you're using SetList you can disable the panel link from the settings page. If not, you can disable it in Vanilla/conf/settings.php (the README.html tells you how).
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