small TextFormatter bug I just noticed

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
check out this url: no, it doesn't exist... the actual url is / members (without the spaces), but text formatter seems to parse the url to make it a <a href> PLUS it parses the / me part to expand it to my nickname... woops! ;) Patrix.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That bug will be fixed when the \me bug is fixed.
  • edited September 2005
    if it's really annoying you here's a quick fix in the interum:

    edit /library/Utility.StringManipulator.class, line 55, replace:

    $sReturn = str_replace("/me", $this->GetAccountLink($Object), $sReturn);


    $sReturn = preg_replace("/\/me([\s\'(<br \/>)])/", $this->GetAccountLink($Object)."$1", $sReturn);

    this will only trip the parser if /me is followed by a space, a single quote ( ' ) (since people like to do /me's) or if it's on a line by itself. (want to match the least conditions possible, so no [^\w])

    though i wouldn't blame mark if he'd be unwilling to provide you support if you (or anybody!) screw with the libraries :)
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