comment without member-accout

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
i would like to set up an internal community area with htaccess-login for every member[50 accounts]. so that they don't have to sign-in twice, it would be great to have read _and_ write permission for non-members in vanilla. like in the forum-option: Allow non-members to browse the forum additional forum-option: Allow non-members to comment discussions when they then write their comments it would be helpful to have a seperate input field for the author's-name.


  • I do believe this has been considered already although i cant remember what the outcome has been. I *think* it might be being included with the advanced permissions being incorporated into the next revision but i'm sure mark will correct me if i'm wrong.
  • Is there any particular reason you want htaccess protection aside from just enforcing that guests have to register before viewing. Then just make it so you have to approve registration. I don't really see any advantage that htaccess will offer aside from having extra external sub directories password protected as well.
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