Changing URL from localhost to...

edited October 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi everyone hopefully this is an easy one for some of you php apache gurus out there. I am running vanilla(latest version) on a XAMPP lite box. setup was done with these directions and everything seems fine. Except now I want to change the URL to something you know not localhost/vanille. So I have found this post and followed "Mark Oct 18th 2006" post regarding the conf/settings.php modifications. This works fine and for the base URL but all of the other pages fail like catagories or validated_users_url. Is there another config file that needs to be changed for everything else to resolve now? Thanks for any help out there.


  • OK so I went back and just tried something which seems so easy under settings/Application settings I changed the "web path to vanilla" to my desired domain name. In comparing the 2 conf files the one I manually changed and the one modified via settings/application settings and the only difference is that the $Configuration['FORWARD_VALIDATED_USER_URL'] = 'http://localhost/vanilla/'; on the one modified by settings/application settings left the localhost/vanilla as above. Does not really make sense to me but I had chaged that validated_user_URL URL to the newly defined URL in the manual change. Hope this makes sense to someone more savvy then me or helps someone in the furture.
  • edited October 2008
    After updating the following settings everything should work find (except maybe the styles):
    $Configuration['DEFAULT_STYLE'] = '/Vanilla/themes/vanilla/styles/default/'; $Configuration['WEB_ROOT'] = '/Vanilla/'; $Configuration['BASE_URL'] = 'http://localhost/Vanilla/'; $Configuration['FORWARD_VALIDATED_USER_URL'] = 'http://localhost/Vanilla/'; $Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN'] = ''; $Configuration['COOKIE_PATH'] = '/Vanilla/';
  • If Vanilla was at http://localhost/Vanilla/ and is now at htttp://, the settings should be:
    $Configuration['DEFAULT_STYLE'] = '/themes/vanilla/styles/default/'; $Configuration['WEB_ROOT'] = '/'; $Configuration['BASE_URL'] = ''; $Configuration['FORWARD_VALIDATED_USER_URL'] = ''; $Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN'] = ''; $Configuration['COOKIE_PATH'] = '/';
  • OK so I have gone back and tried making those exact line changes with no success, any other ideas? Sorry if I left this out and it makes a difference but I am just resolving all this via a host file? I have not stepped into the DNS world yet. In addition I am making the changes in notepad and saving the encoding is ANSI? Not sure if that makes a difference either. Thanks for the help!!!
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