'edit comment' functionality

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So i'm not sure why its taken me this long to consider it (probably cause i just got used to it and i think thats how o8 always used to function which is the only other forum i've ever really used) but it just struck me that it's ever so slightly annoying you cant view previous posts like you can when adding a comment as you can when editing them. One thing i love about vanilla is that the add box is at the bottom of the page so you can see what you're replying to nice and easily - i was posting on a vB board the other day and it pissed me off that i had to scroll down on the posting page to remind myself what i was trying to reply to - i suggested they moved to vanilla but they wernt too keen on the idea (who knows.) In any case, i'd like to suggest that the edit function worked in the same way as the add function - perhaps even ajax it up so when you click edit the post gets engulfed by a textbox (i'm not sure how this works...i'll leave that to you guys) and is editable in position. Or if the post was copied into the add box and was changed to edit..or something. Is there any particular reason it doesnt work like this at current? What do you guys think of it? I cant remember it being discussed previously but i might be wrong.


  • Well, basically ou could write an extension that replases the post with the edit comment thingy when you edit it, or perhaps we could use some DOM and just flip the edit tools beneath the post. Interesting idea.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yes - neat idea. I hadn't considered it at all.
  • *grins and hugs mark
  • /me dances
  • vBulletin 3.5 has that.. it's pretty cool.
  • It's just sad that the neat thing like that doesn't make vBulletin any less gay and cluttered with needless stuff.
  • Personally I like vBulletin.. I admit it is too cluttered though. I use it for my site alanwake.net but I also use Vanilla as well for one of my private boards. I prefer Vanilla because of it's ease of use and simplicity though, but alanwake.net relies heavily on vBulletin and some mods.. the time it would take me to code a new CMS type extension for Vanilla wouldn't be worth it :)
  • I completely hate sites that are build on top of a forum engine, they just make the site feel unprofessional and are often filled with useless information and doodads, thingblings, whistletops and hikkeryboxes. I was browsing through your site when I first heard about Alan Wake and I would have joined your community, but the site was too intimidating, like a shoppingmall santa. Love your content tho.
  • I know what you mean.. but basically all I need is something that ties in with the forum since that's my main focus. If I had it my way I'd have something like drupal as the main CMS with this as the main forum.
  • Yeah, it works, since you can't beat forum as a community tool.
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