iMac display quality

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I know there are alot of Macheads here, and I'm going to get a new comp to home for simple web development and photoshopping, but I need to know if the iMac screen is good for photoshopping and color corrention. So if there are some pros that have firsthand experience on iMac OR it could be iBook/Powerbook, give me info, I promise, I won't sell it to the highest bidder.


  • I do a fair bit of graphics work. I have a Powerbook, which I use to use demos and such, but the colo(u)r does not compare to the Apple Cinema Displays. I have a 30" and a 23" Apple Cinema Display and the colo(u)r is PERFECT. Have look at the apple site, I think these displays can be used for color proofing also. Which is a big plus. The 30" also has a SUPER high res (if you have the graphics card to support it). If you want to be mobile, get a powerbook, and a cinema display IF you can afford it. If you want specifics, let me know what you are after, and I will try and get them for you.
  • Oh, I also run both of the big screens on a dual 2.5 ghz g5. Not even Illustrator can slow that thing so you wouldn't have any problems with photoshop. PS is a little slow on ALL of the laptop range. The iMac range (and even the Mac Mini) should also handle well with PS.
  • Well, simple web development and photoshopping doesn't justify the several thousand euro costs. My main display is the Dell 2005FPW 20" widescreen, uses the same panel as the 20" ACD, but this comp in mainly my game development rack and I use this to make 3d models and textures. The Apple machine would be for the web stuff I do as a hobby (and sadly it's my living atm), plus I could use it to script while I creep around Maya on my main comp, plus mac is way better when running Apache and MySQL on the background than my own rack, I tend to get sucidal when my com stutters while I'm making some game content.
  • okay then. the iMac screen will offer more than enough to cover what you are doing, plus you get a g5 processor to keep things running smoothly. If that is all you want, then the iMac get my vote. I have had experience with them (the new ones), so if you need to know a little more just ask.
  • /me asks little more
  • nathan. give me your screens. now.
  • mini you vile animal!
  • no. I worked hard to get those screens. They are way too expensive for what you get. After all, it is just a screen. (Damn good ones though)
  • ok then. give me your mac. now.
  • I have a 20 inch G5. Worried about the display? don't be, its excellent. If you get one, get all the RAM you can afford, just to give PS the boot you will want to get it running perfectly. I have 1GB, and PS runs fine, but get 2GB if you can afford it.
  • Uuuh, nice one Stuart, thanks.
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