Install Errors, a lot of them...

KrakKrak New
edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Ok, I have Vanilla on my home machine, no problems... So I went to install it on my server, ran through the install no issues. But as soon as the install finishes I get all kinds of errors. The install worked, and the board is functional, somewhat. I get a bunch of "Undefined property", and "headers already sent" errors... Go over and check it out: You can login with U: Guest P: guest After you login you'll get the header error, just type back in the address bar and it should goto the forum with you logged in. Can someone help me out? Is it a PHP setting setting or something? And an other question: when I uploaded all my files they where chmoded to 644 (minus the ones I changed for the install). They are suppose to be 644 right? Thanks.


  • How did you upload the files?

    Did you up the zip/tar.gz to your server and unzip it there or did you unzip it on your computer and then upload it?

    They could've uploaded in ASCII instead of Binary. That's the only thing I can think of.

    I think I got that the right way round.
  • I unzipped on my computer, then uploaded, using Cute FTP. Should be set to auto (for ASCII or binary). Ive never had issues with Cute FTP doing that before, but I'll delete and reupload using Core FTP see if that helps.
  • Nope, reuploading didnt help. Still have the same errors.
  • Usually when I got problems with files being corrupted and all that, I upload the zip/tar and unzip it on the server. Usually helps on this kind of things. And drop the kids menu Cute FTP and use the Filezilla from the bar.
  • Im pretty sure this is not a file upload issue (corruption, ASCII / Binary, etc..). I have uploaded the files 5 times. I've used CuteFTP(1st and 2nd time), CoreFTP (3rd time), WS_FTP (4th time) and Filezilla (5th time). I dont know how to unzip a file on a remote server, so I havent done that, but I doubt it would fix. Have you gone to see what the errors are? The forum works, you can do anything you could on a normal install, its just that I get these errors...
  • edited September 2005
    Hmm. this looks to me like its having issues defining var $Scripts; // Script collection var $StyleSheets; // Stylesheet collection var $Strings; // String collection on lines 323-335 of Common.Controls.php (though i'm probably entirely wrong) in which case its probably worth double checking these lines look alright (though theres no reason they shouldnt). I'll try and find a more useful solution...
  • upload up a phpinfo.php file.
  • Heh, already had one, probably should have posted so...
  • :( Any new thoughts?
  • I'm afraid i'm heading out for the day so i wont be back online till very late (and probably slightly drunk) or tomorrow. If noones sorted this by then i'll keep diggiing, so far i've had no luck. I'm sure mark could hit this thread up and whip us into shape in seconds. Someone get his attention.
  • KrakKrak New
    edited September 2005
    /me jumps up and down, waving red and purple glow sticks, in a sombrero, while drinking an ale
  • KrakKrak New
    edited September 2005
    *bump* found another thread about this... also, I guess I posted in the wrong category... oops.
  • Got it fixed, just updated PHP, was at 4.1.2 now is 4.3.10-15... Problems gone....
  • Glad you got it sorted. I was considering that as a suggestion but hoping to find a better solution than just upgrading php. Meh.
  • I am glad it has been sorted out for you.
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