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Restrict the discussion for registered users only

edited December 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Would like to lock some of the discussion and restrict access only to registered users.

Note: I would like display the discussion but restrict it to the registered users only, so that when a non-registered user clicks on any of the restricted/locked discussions he should be redirected to "please register with our forum to view the discussion" kind of page.


  • Sounds like you want a "Members only" forum.

    Look at your "Application Settings" and tick the checkbox: "Allow non-members to browse the forum"
  • That's not what i was looking for, as i said i would like them to see only the discussion titles, but not the discussion as a whole.

    If i follow what you say, they are able to see the discussion which is what i would really like to avoid.

    Something similar to lock the discussion for registered users only, though they can see the title, but need to register to see the whole discussion.

    Please Help
  • I just stumbled across this Add-On: Topics Only. I don't know anything about it but the title and description seem to match what you want.
  • it surely does what it says, however when i want any user to be informed why they are been re-directed, I've to create a page which is not possible as the Page Manager will not work for me. :(
  • PageManager is the best extension out there, tell us more about why it won't work, what's the error?

    Posted: Wednesday, 24 December 2008 at 4:18PM

This discussion has been closed.