Mark, please add "Who's Online" to this site!

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
It would be cool if you could add dknowles, "Who's Online" extension to this we could all get an idea of who currently is/isn't online. For whatever reason, it feels like more of a community to me when its enabled.


  • Performance?
  • I don't really see the need for "who's online" feature on vanilla, since I see sometimes it working like an IM and sometimes working like an e-mail. For example, you'd see me logged in 24/7, since I don't actually leave the site, and then there are the FL (frequent loggers) who just are obsessed on "checking" every 5 minutes, but refure to hang out.
  • although you dont leave the site, kosmo, i believe you'd appear offline after 5 minutes of not having clicked anything.
  • I don't think the script works that way, I'm pretty sure it recognizes the users that log out to be the ones "offline".
  • edited September 2005
    it adds to the forum when it's installed. I've found, but is it really necessary here?

    this is supposed to be for support and development, not fucking around wasting time
  • Technically its a place for the lussumo community to hang out. Support and development is just something to keep us all entertained. Kosmo - browse over to in about 10 minutes and see if it says anyones online.
  • Ok, but that is some unnecessary voodoo over there, why would I need to check my users every minute if they have been inactive for 5-10 minutes just to give a tell to my forum that someone is unavailable? It's just unneccessary workload for my precious fast forum :D
  • was anyone online? I guess jesusphreak would just like to know that me you and krak appear to be active right now.
  • I know that the offline extension actually only show active users that have been "active" for the past X minutes. They dissapear after awhile, not too sure what the exact cut off time is though. But it definitely isn't only when you log off.
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