Allowing for <embed> or <object> in posts.

edited December 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey all! I set up Vanilla for my site and have been enjoying it. Thanks for all the hard work from the community! I have one quick question: How can I make it so that <embed> or <object> files show in the post? I run a joke site that uses a Flash player, so it's pretty vital to the utility of the forum to allow the users to past the embed code. I'm using the Simple Text thing extension, but that's only for specific sites, and I need to be able to let a single, normal <embed> work.


  • Well firstly you need to know allowing those to be added opens your website up to numerous security risks, some of which are nearly impossible to protect against. Unless it is a private and trusted community, it is a bad idea to allow them.
  • Right-o, good point. So what I did last night was take the Make it Simple text formatter plugin, and modify it a little to include my site. So now one of my users can simply paste the URL to one of our jokes, and it'll be converted into the player. I think that's a fair compromise. Thanks!
  • Good idea :)
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