AJAXified Commenting



  • Okay. It needs to be degrade-able also. But that is not too hard to accomplish.
  • As an extension you can build a jumping monkey throwing poop all over the place, but Vanilla is fast and minimalistic forum. I have nothing against bling, but I'm pretty sure that those who want some bling can do it themself and not have it integrated to the forum.
  • I think AJAXifying Vanilla would really be a nice idea. Especially when switching on the tab menu (Discussions, Category, Search, Account). And for commenting. I haven't tried installing this script yet, so I'm not yet familiar with all the admin features. But I'll add give more suggestions next time. :)
  • I know it has nothing to do with Vanilla, but the drag and drop shopping cart is nice in the script.aculo.us library.
  • I don't like it if Vanilla gets over-Ajaxed :) But the comment thing (second link which ADM gave us) is nice!
  • Well with the new system I'm assuming all this sort of stuff could easily be made into extensions.
  • I think its a great idea, but agree with nathan in that it is not necessary. Just a cool feature that might save a bit of time/bandwidth. Although, looking at some of those effects, I think that some themes could be pretty fancy which would be extremely fun to play with.
  • I think AJAX'ing will probably be left up to those who bring forth new templates. It's not a bad idea, but I don't see it as being as part of the actual core beyond what's already there. Once templates become a shared reality, I'm possitive we'll see some really wicked themes utilizing lots of goodies. However since not every server runs like another, anyone implimenting it will have some crazy buglists to tend to with more stuff they pack onto their frames.
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