Using an existing mySQL database

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Ok so I can only have 1 mySQL database on my host (windows based) which I am currently using for my pbpBB forum. I'm looking to make the switch to vanilla and so my problem lies with not wanting to remove the existing mySQL database until i've got the new one all ready to go. I read this in the documentation for vanilla... "You can either create a new and totally seperate database to install vanilla to, or install it into a currently running database shared by other programs, this is all up to you." So would it be possible to install vanilla to the same mySQL db I currently use for phpBB. Can they share the same db? The second part of the switch is importing all the data from my existing mySQL db over to the new forum. So would it be possible to do that if they share the same db, or is this just getting too messy? ;-) I know there's an extension to import the data so I definitely need to be able to use that. Anyone got any suggestions on how best to go about this? Any help would be much appreciated.


  • They should be able to use the same db, as long as the table prefixes are different. Vanilla uses "lum_", and usually phpBB uses "phpbb_". So it should be ok. So you want to import all of your phpBB db info to the Vanillas db? I havent used the phpBB importer extension thing so I dunno how it works, but it shouldnt matter if its importing/exporting in the same db or not, I wouldnt think..... its all about the table prefixes.
  • If you're transporting all your data from PHPBB to Vanilla then having them in the same database is no trouble at all. It's what i did. I didn't have to have them in the same database. I'm just lazy and couldn't be bothered to set up a new one.
  • To be honest, when i made the migrator i only had single database users in mind (partly cause im stupid, partly lazy, and partly cause i really dont see why people need more than 1 database anyway when your data is held in tables. There's probably a reason for it but i've never found one besides to keep stuff uber seperate). I'm planning to add multi db support for it while i make the IPB converter (i'm prolly gonna try and make some sort of general interface thing so other converters can be plugged in easier). But in the meantime, you *must* have both datasets in the same database in order for my migrator to work. And your phpBB tables should be prefixed phpbb_ (if not you need to change that in the mysqldetails config file)
  • cheers for the replies guys. sounds like it shouldn't be a problem which is great! i thought it was going to be a right pain!
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