Category sticky

From what I can tell all stickys display on the categories page. What i'd prefer though is an option to make a sticky only show in it's relevant category. It just means you can post info that needs to stay at the top of a particular category without it permanently taking up room on the discussions page.


  • I agree, on the other regular forums that I am, there might be around 20 stickies at one given time, and those 20 would easily fill the first page on the discussions tab. So could they follow the same rules as do the normal posts, and appear only when there has been new answers to them. OR have an option to show the sticky on the discussions page, if needed.
  • bump for this request. would definitely be handy in my opinion.
  • edited December 2005
    So could they follow the same rules as do the normal posts, and appear only when there has been new answers to them.

    So they would be... normal posts?
  • I think he means; they appear as stickies (at the top) on their category page, but only appear on the front discussion page when they would otherwise do so.
  • edited December 2005
    Maybe, if you have 20 sticky threads, you should examine your criteria for stickyness.
  • ok so i have 7 categories, i'd like a sticky at the top of each one. but i dont want 7 stickies at the top of the discussions page.

    i don't really want to start a debate as to whether i have too many stickies, i just wanted to put a request out there for an extension.
  • Hmm.. Is there any demand for a quick patch? I think I know enough about the Vanilla code now to make a quick and dirty patch to get the desired results. I'm also interested in this feature.
  • This would seem to require the "multiple categories per post" modification (aka "mod-chosen tags") that mark has claimed no interest in writing.
  • I hope it's okay to bump this thread! I was going to start a request for this feature, but then I remembered to use the search tool first.

    So, is it possible to make this as an extension? I've been thinking about it a lot recently, and I think the best way is to create a new "semi-sticky" label that can be applied to posts, and also create the relevant "make discussions semi-sticky" permission. (Sorry I can't think of a better name!) If a discussion is marked as semi-sticky, it will work the same way as a sticky on its category page, but will act as a normal discussion on the discussions page.

    Is it possible to write an extension that can add new discussion labels? I don't know much about the inner workings of Vanilla, so I have no idea how to implement it.
  • Has anyone made this extension yet ?
  • This sounds handy. Anyone?
  • Another bump from an interested user.
  • Also hugely interested in such an extension.
  • i can see the need for this. most forums i have used have had at least one sticky per "folder" telling the rules etc of that forum. Having super stick and category sticky as two modes, where super sticky is perma sticky and semi sticky will only pop topside on main discussion page when it has new content or has been edited. I do not atm have enough understanding of vanilla to do it myself atm tho...
  • Sounds like we would need some kind of Sticky that would stick only on the Discussions page [Sticky0] and then have another kind of Sticky that only sticks on the Categories page [StickyYY] (where YY is the CategoryID).
  • Indeed. I like the sound of these :)
  • I have figured out a way to do this and it seems to work on my local install. I need to fix one thing. Although I have excluded the Stickies from the discussion grid, I still have the total number of discussions in the "1 to 16 of 16". Can anyone help me figure out what I would need to change to get this displayed correctly after I have subtracted out the Stickies?
    Thank you, jimw
  • Jimw:
    You need to attach to the DiscussionManager's PreGetDiscussionCount delegate and modify the query there similarly to how you modified it for the PreGetDiscussionList delegate.

    I had to do the same thing for the CategoryHider extension here
  • Yes, I was just looking at what you did. I borrowed something from yours (hope you don't mind).
  • Not at all. Glad to help.
This discussion has been closed.