fatal non-recoverable error (failed database connection)

I pasted the error message below. I can access every other cms database in my htdocs except vanilla, so i don't know where to begin looking for a solution to this problem.

A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred
Technical information (for support personel):

Error Message
The connection to the database failed:
Affected Elements

For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Documentation website at: lussumo.com/docs


  • This could be any number of reasons. 1) Make sure you're typing the password correctly, 2) connect using the same credentials in a different script on the exact same server in the same folder as vanilla.

    I'm not sure where to go from there.
  • Thanks for the help! I did not have a password for the root user on mysql(its a local setup anyway). I did not realize this was required for vanilla to work properly. Problem solved.
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