Search word highlighting

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I saw that when searching, the search engine highlights the terms, but when you go to the thread, it doesn't highlight them. It would be useful if it highlighted the words in the thread also, because there might be more than just one post that people are looking, and jumping back and forth in the search results page and the thread is pretty frustrating. Also a suggestion and maybe a solution to this problem. Since there has been alot of talk about AJAXin the hell out of Vanilla, another quite useful trick is cooking in my brain. The reason why we have to jump back and forth on search results and the thread is that there is a max lenght on the posts where the search engine found the keyword, but if there was a button to show the full post in the search results page it would eliminate the need to go to the thread to read those long posts. This could be done with ajax so there wouldn't be no need to refresh the page, it would just modify the height of the post and present the full text.


  • i think that would be a nice feature.

    and thinking about the process of moving from a thread back to the search results... i think im right in saying you need to use the back button on the browser.

    now that's ok, but it can become a pain if you go further into the thread, onto different pages for example and you have to click back many times over.

    ideally i'd have a 'back to search results' button in the side panel. :-)
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