Moving Sidebar (Error)

edited February 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

I'm trying to move my sidebar to the right, in order to match the template of my site. However, when doing that, I run into an error. What I do is remove all the code in panel.php and place it in foot.php and change its CSS properties to float: right. However, I get an error after it displays the "Start Discussion" button saying:

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/.galled/scrawlfx/ on line 45

This is line 45 of foot.php:

while (list($Key, $PanelElement) = each($this->PanelElements)) {

So what's the problem? Check out the page and help me out:


  • Just a guess, but maybe you need $this->Context->.
  • edited February 2009
    themes/foot.php does not have direct access to the Panel object. You will need to access it via $GLOBALS['Panel']->PanelElements.

    However, this is not the best solution to your problem. What you really should do is re-arrange the controls via $Configuration['CONTROL_POSITION_*']. Check out the order in which the controls are rendered by looking at appg/settings.php (look there, but don't change them there!). Then, add the overrides to your conf/settings.php and you should be good to go.

    I think all you need to add to your conf/settings.php file is $Configuration['CONTROL_POSITION_PANEL'] = '550'; but I've never done this kind of mod before so you might need to test it some more.
  • You just want to move the panel over? You can do that by editing your CSS (don't touch any of the code).

    go to /themes/vanilla/styles/default/
    copy vanilla.css to vanilla.old.css
    go to /themes/vanilla/styles/default/src/
    copy it to /themes/vanilla/styles/default/
    now open /themes/vanilla/styles/default/vanilla.css

    change (line 151?)#Panel { width:201px; margin-left:18px; float:left; background:url('panelfadetop.gif') top right no-repeat; display: inline; }to
    #Panel { width:201px; margin-right:18px; float:right; background:url('panelfadetop.gif') top right no-repeat; display: inline; }

    and (line 243)#Content { margin:0 18px 0 235px; }to
    #Content { margin:0 238px 0 18px; }
    I think that should to the trick.
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