setup mysql database with phpmyadmin?

edited February 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So I'm setting up a site for a friend and he went with Yahoo small-business hosting. So currently cPanel is not apparent and things are very VERY limited. What I want to know is how to make a mysql database for Vanilla in phpMyAdmin. Any suggestions?


  • Alright I believe I've found out how to make the database but my problem is that I cannot findout what my MySQL server is, does anyone else use Yahoo Small-business hosting?
  • After countless hours of looking I finally got it working! For those of you who are using yahoo small business hosting and have no idea like me. When it comes to the MySQL server, enter "mysql://username:password@MySQL/database" I found this on the drupal forums and was so desperate to get it working that it did, I love the internet! :D
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