Members List addition?

edited April 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi everyone

This is a bit of an ask, as I would imagine it will need a fair bit of amending or adding of code but…

I would like to add another column (in my case, titled “Company”) to the Members List page that the MembersList add-on creates.
This is add-on:

With Vanilla I see you can add custom information under the Account details and I have created a new one for each user, detailing their company.

Is it possible to add this ‘custom information’ into the members list page?

Thanks in advance



  • would love to know the answer to this as well. chaos how did you force that account detail?
  • Hi Cassandra,

    I'm not sure what you mean by "how did you force that account detail?"

    Could you rephrase or refresh my memory as to what you are talking about.
  • how did you create a field for every user that had them enter their company.... i never saw a way to do that....
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