Need advice from you coding gurus



  • edited March 2009
    thanks.. I'm gona try and get a little clarification from the apache friends forum and the mac rumors forum.. but if they don;t provide it in any sort of a timely manner.. I guess I'll try that.. my thinking is that some of the newer versions might still be supporting 10.3

    I wish I could afford 10.4... according to the book I'm reading, apache is preinstalled with the OS install..

    Semi related question... I notice a lot of people out there on the net.. are in love with their legacy G4 macs.. and don't like the new intel ones.. Why is this? Is it that they are just die hard prejudiced types.. or is their a method to their madness?

    What do you Mac users think about the new G5? Hopefully, a few months down the road when things get a little better for me, I'd like to buy a bottom of the line G5 notebook.. but if the G4's are better for soem reason, that would save me some money, buying a used laptop...
  • LOL... provided by a poster on the macrumors site...

    The Problem

    The book I'm using to learn php and MySQL is also an Oreilly publication.. you'd think that they'd mention this tutorial... and that the apache server is built inot 'every' Mac OS X computer, and needs to be 'turned on!'... Sheesh!
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