Changing "Threads per Page/Posts per Thread" for authenticated vs non-auth users?

Andy KAndy K
edited March 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So other big forum applications have "Threads per page" or "Comments per Thread" as a user-set valuable. usually the default is low, with the option for individual users to go into their account and set it higher.

Is something like this possible through configuring Vanilla? Users of the forum tend to like 100 threads/page and 100 comments/thread view, but I want to limit it to non-authenticated users (like 50 threads/page, 50 comments/thread) to reduce mySQL overhead.

Is something like that possible through simple reconfiguration/editing of php files, or is this a "New Extension Level"/"Core Add-on Request" level addition?



  • Any thoughts on this one?
  • edited January 2011
    I have just installed this software. We have a small number of us migrating over from a site that is shutting down. Some of these people used Journals on the other site. Comments in a thread went over 100 in many of those Journals. Is there a way to extend the 100 limit in this forum software, otherwise I might have to migrate to a different platform. Also the question Andy asked would be useful to get an answer to.

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