Combining Mysql databases (my database is almost full)

joemadjoemad New
edited March 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
My web host has a 100mb limit on mysql databases. In Vanilla, is there a way to combine more than one mysql database? I only have 9mbs left :(


  • edited March 2009
    I think prob for LUM_IpHistory table!
  • What is the LUM_IpHistory table? Thanks
  • this is table in your database .. you can empty the table and cancel the ip&log form your Vanilla Settings.
  • joemadjoemad New
    edited March 2009
    I don't want to lose any info. I want to save and continue to display old posts. Will this allow me to run 2 databases on my forum? I'm confused.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    His suggestion was to empty the IpHistory table and clear up some space in your database. The IP history table holds a complete history of every IP that has ever accessed Vanilla (if it has been enabled). This is really just used by some administrators to see if users have multiple accounts. Truncating that table would not cause you to lose any discussions or comments - it would just get rid of some data you probably don't need.

    As for combining databases, I have no experience with that. Sorry :(
  • Ah... ok... Thanks... that makes sense. So, do I have to download the database and manually delete that info?
  • Oh no... I deleted the LUM_IpHistory table and now I'm getting this error on the home page... "A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the requested information. Affected Elements WhosOnline.GetGuestCount(); The error occurred on or near: Unknown column 'i.IpHistoryID' in 'field list' For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Documentation website at:"
  • You want to TRUNCATE the table, not DROP it ;)
  • Oops... well it's gone now. I requested that my host restore the database back to it's last back up. I was able to bring it back up by deleting the whosonline extension which was causing an error. Then I accidentally put a check mark back on "log in IPs" (or something) in settings. Now I can't log in to the forum. oops... A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message An error occurred while logging your IP address. Affected Elements UserManager.AddUserIP(); The error occurred on or near: Unknown column 'RemoteIp' in 'field list' For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Documentation website at:
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