Problem will all Add-On downloads

It appears that the zip files aren't true zip files, will not extract. The only thing I can do is open them with text editor. There seems to be a system wide problem. Is anyone else experiencing this? The Vanilla Program itself does work, which signals to me that there's an issue with the Add-On system. Suggestions?


  • I am experiencing the same issue.
  • having the same problem... the archive cannot be decompressed. my boss is going to kill me ;)
  • Actually it downloads a plain text file that contains an error generated by php about readfile(***/uploads/***.zip) file is not exist. I wish mark will see this soon.
  • He is probably still sleeping. It's for 4am where he is. I sent him an email to let him know.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    All fixed up. Thanks for letting me know!
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