Install Issue

edited March 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Vanilla Installation Wizard (Step 1 of 3) We came across some problems while checking your permissions... Failed to create the 'd:/hosting/xersize29/members/vanillaforum/vanilla-1.1.5a/conf/database.php' configuration file. Failed to create the 'd:/hosting/xersize29/members/vanillaforum/vanilla-1.1.5a/conf/extensions.php' configuration file. Failed to create the 'd:/hosting/xersize29/members/vanillaforum/vanilla-1.1.5a/conf/language.php' configuration file. Failed to create the 'd:/hosting/xersize29/members/vanillaforum/vanilla-1.1.5a/conf/settings.php' configuration file. MySQL version 5.0 PHP up to date. Unable to install, however. /conf/ has read/write access. Any ideas?


  • Vanilla (php/apache) need write access on the conf folder. Does the error message give any hint on how to solve that. If it doesn't, we (I will the one to blame on this one) made a mistake.

    You should set the permission on conf/ to 755, 775 or 777.
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