Install Issue
Vanilla Installation Wizard (Step 1 of 3)
We came across some problems while checking your permissions...
Failed to create the 'd:/hosting/xersize29/members/vanillaforum/vanilla-1.1.5a/conf/database.php' configuration file.
Failed to create the 'd:/hosting/xersize29/members/vanillaforum/vanilla-1.1.5a/conf/extensions.php' configuration file.
Failed to create the 'd:/hosting/xersize29/members/vanillaforum/vanilla-1.1.5a/conf/language.php' configuration file.
Failed to create the 'd:/hosting/xersize29/members/vanillaforum/vanilla-1.1.5a/conf/settings.php' configuration file.
MySQL version 5.0
PHP up to date.
Unable to install, however. /conf/ has read/write access.
Any ideas?
You should set the permission on conf/ to 755, 775 or 777.