iPhone theme - separate address?

edited April 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

I'm currently using the iphone theme that can be found here. I was hoping that I'd be able to find a way to let iphone users decide which theme they want to use (the iphone specific one or the regular theme) rather than force iphones and ipods to use the optimised version. Is there a way of running two themes at once? so users can swing by www.whatever.com/iphone and get the iphone theme?

Alternatively, is there a way to add a link to possible themes at the op of the forum?


  • your link in your comment doesn't work.
  • Fix your Link! Hey, is there anywhere else that they have more themes for Vanilla? I would like to make something like this
  • It links to here. ;)

    Seriously, it's not broken, there is no URL it's just a blank <a>.
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