Dicussion prefix

edited April 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How can i change The name's like "stickey", "closed" ect. into icons just like here http://forum.kohanaphp.com/ Also i want to change is: when the topic is nog closed or stickey ect. there must be an icon before the name Who can help me please Sorry for my bad english:)


  • Someone?
  • SS ✭✭
    If I correctly understand you (i'm not english speaking), you just want to replace words to icons.
    Well, I think that it can be done by manipulating CSS.
    Like this:
    #Discussions li.Sticky{ background: transparent url(images/ico.sticky.gif) 2px 50% no-repeat; } #Discussions li.Closed{ background: transparent url(images/ico.closed.gif) 2px 50% no-repeat; }
    But I'm not guru of CSS. I can't help. You may see this extension as example.
    Also, may be need to clear corresponding language definitions:
    $Context->Dictionary['TextSticky'] = '';
    Good luck.

    P.S. You topic "Dicussion icon" suggested me to idea of another extension: user can set any icon to discussion. I'll think about it...
  • edited April 2009
    But when the topic is Not closed or stickey Just active How can i get before the discussion title a default icon And when There is a new post, there must be also an icon for it so you can see that there is a new comment or post
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