Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.

Remember me

Is this feature supposed to keep you logged in until you log out? Because when I come back to this forum I have to sign in each time. I am ticking the remember me box.


  • try deleting all your cookies and starting over. What browser/os are you on. Does it work on other vanilla getups?
  • Cookies will be fixed next version. This is a cookies issue.
  • granted, but most people seem to have got it working by now - if he's on an obscure browser there's not much to be done for him but if he's using firefox on xp (eg) it should be fine.
  • yes, some browsers still goof up, but more or less it's a Cookie problem with vanilla itself and the way it's setting them. Which for is still incorrect. Mark has stated it's fixed for the next rev.
  • i'm on firefox 1.0.6. it's not a major problem as firefox remembers my login details anyway. i just wondered if it was meant to leave you logged in or not. good to know it will be fixed come the next rev.
  • Mark should get a "fixed in the next rev" stamp.
  • is there anywhere that says what's going to be in the next rev? i know i've read a few threads where he's said "that's on the list" but is there an official 'list' ?
  • isnt it on the wiki? is sort of it.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    just about everything on the bug list will be in the next rev.
  • We really need a project manager for your software, reatehr than just using a wiki. While the wiki is cool and all, it just can't handle user contributed patches, status updates, attached scrrenshots etc. I have nothing else to do today, so I'll get to work on a prototype of what I am after/ would like to see.
  • I just got one running, and it is like 10 times more complicated than the wiki iteslf. Although the wiki allows no issue TRACKING as such, it is just so damn simple to use. If I think of a better way, I will let you know, but after trying an alternative (drupal project module, as well as another... can't remember name. A friend recommended it to me) the wiki is the way to go atm.
  • wouldnt the SVN do user patching and stuff? I thought there were plans to use one somewhere down the line...?
  • the snv would handle user patching, BUT, Mark might not want anyone or everyone to patch core. With a project manager, the public could still 'submit' patches to an issue (bug report/ feature request etc.), and then Mark, Jonezy (other master admins etc.) could apply those patches. The public could also see the status of said patches (patch requires, ready to be reviewed, ready to be commited, testers needed, ....) They could also talk about what changes are required, the best way to do it etc.
  • ahh, i get it. Hmmm...
  • Here is the address for my PRELIMINARY attempt at this problem ( It is running Drupal HEAD, project module, and some other custom made modules for code escaping & handling. (<code></code> <?php ?> so you don't have to escape these tags) To view an example of the Vanilla project, click on the Vanilla link in the right sidebar under projects (easy huh?). You can also view all open issues (like a ticket helpdesk system). You can reply to these, add issues, change the status, and assign different people to the problem. It is all open to you guys. If something like this gets used in the future, I would reccomend stricter user control/ privileges, but I have given you guys almost everything bar admin access. This system could also hadle to docs, and they will go up shortly.
  • sorry guys. I noticed that Krak and David have registered on the above site. You actually has MORE access privilges as anonymous users than you did as authenticated/ registered users. I have fixed this now. Do you think somthing LIKE this would be useful for lussumo? David? Krak?
  • It sounds/looked usefull... I havent really dug around in it much, playin with Ubuntu Linux atm, just installed it. I just popped through it and yeah, I think thats great. Sorry im so brief, Ill try to really look through it in a few days.
  • nathan: That looks like a great idea.
  • thank you. It still needs HEAPS of work, as the standard project module for Drupal does not work really well, so there was a fair bit of hacking involved. This is more a proof of concept. If a few of you think it is worth it, I will propose it to Mark.
  • edited November 2005
    bump. is this still an issue? i've not been able to get it to work for me either (well it works in firefox but not in ie6) and i've had a report from another tester that it's not working on their mac... EDIT it actually works in this community, but not on the forum i have installed and edited.
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