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Login / Sign in redirect url problem (becomes http://://www etc)
I have a problem with the sign in function.
I've been searching and reading the forum for some days, trying to figure out if it was a common and resolved issue, but I found nothing.
So, here it is:
sometimes (randomly) when I sign in my Vanilla forum it redirects me to the wrong url.
When it works properly I sign in and be redirected to
but instead when the problem happens it adds a :// in between and I land on a blank page located here
Of course there's no page there, because that's not a valid url!
How do I solve this?
Is it a ReturnUrl problem? What can I do?
Or should I look for SAFE_RETURN_URL? (I tried to replace it, but then I couldn't sign in at all).
Thanks for helping me.
P.S. If I mispelled something it's because I'm italian.
Also, I'm new to Vanilla, but I am absolutely inclined to open and explore conf and setting php files, so if the solution is something even a little bit complicated, no problem, I'll do it because I need to fix this before I can properly use my forum.