Mark, spare 40 seconds of your time for this

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just for curiosity, can you do for me. Not the most accurate thing but its a reasonable stab in the dark. I'm just curious what wpm you're on if you manage to beat the whisper box autocomplete every time - even when i prepare myself for what i'm gonna type it beats me so either you're insanely speedy or my pc processes it faster or something...?


  • cough* style/theme category *cough
  • haha. *cough* admin so i can do it :D *cough. On second thoughts mark, use this, its better:
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    151 wpm. But I think that thing is flawed.
  • yeah, try the second one, it seems a little more reasonable.
  • 40wpm :(

    i have left my family down. i will now perform harikari
  • lol, I got 139 on the first one...but that cant be right. Thats like, Superman typing. 56 on the other, had a few errors though. So Im guessin my average wmp is somewhere around 50-55.
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