Good free News System

I'm looking for a good, FREE TO USE, simple NEWS system for a front page of a website. I'ved been using CuteNEWS but they recently started charging for licenses... and I feel I no longer want to use them.


  • Wordpress. Or is it not simple enough?
  • isnt that a blog?
  • News, blog...same deal. It all depends what your typing. Theres also Textpattern.... but by your respone Im guessing you want something really simple. Just want to be able to insert some code into a index page and have it pop out the news posts? Try Not sure which one youd want, theres tons. And whenever I need one I make my own. Anyone else have a recommendation?
  • I don't like hoscripts. Their site is too hard to navigate, and their search feature SUCKS big time.
  • edited September 2005
    yeah, if you look at cutenews... it's just a login system that allows you to make news the insert a php command where you want the news to show... really basic... EDIT: HOtscripts is actually where I found CUTENEWS b4...
  • ah. I still don't like it. where does the nes come from? Is it from a news site (BBC, CNN, etc.) or is it stuff you write yourself?
  • stuff I write myself... I could always update it myself manually... but I have someone else who isn't knowledgeable with html or css or anything web related usually who has been posting there. Which is why I need to the simple easy to use script for him.
  • KrakKrak New
    edited September 2005
    ack, dont go manually, thats going backwards. Got any php skills? Is making your own out the window? edit: damnit, there was one I used ages ago that was awesome....thinking right now.
  • edited September 2005
    I've been meaning to delve into the world of PHP, but as of yet... haven't been able to find the time... I can do basic stuff like editing it... but my knowledge of is far from extensive.
  • Aha! Got it, good think I keep most of what I download... PHPNews, I think its pretty much what you want. I use to use it before I started making my own.
  • Looks good... I'll try it out. Thanks!
  • perfect. Thanks.
  • Glad it works for ya.
  • Glad you found one.
    Just wanted to get my $0.02 in - sBLOG is what I've been using for a while.

    Tiny and smooth. Works like a beaut.
  • I can vouch for PHPNews, I used it for 4 years on my site when it was a combined ownership site, easy enough to teach two graphic designers other than myself to use it, so it's kinda like making a guineapig run your server and invent new energysource at the same time, but they managed it very well.
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