Administrator stuck with default forum style?

muppetmuppet New
edited May 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey folks, When, as a forum administrator, I access the "Settings" tab and then change the style and click save, I still see the default forum style (the last style I applied to all users) unless I set a new default style by clicking "apply to all users". Am I misunderstanding how this functionality works? How do I set one style to be the default that new members see, while having a different style for myself?


  • it is not possible, either everyone can choose there own. or you all have the same one
  • You could install this
  • edited May 2009
    You can change the Forum default (and thus, the default for new users) theme by going in to the conf/settings.php file. Beware however, you must know the exact location and name of the style you want to change.

    Look for/add 'DEFAULT_STYLE' and 'THEME_PATH'.

    'DEFAULT_STYLE' is the URL to the stylesheets folder (not directly to the css file).
    'THEME_PATH' is the absolute path on the filesystem to the folder containing the php files for the theme.
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