HTML (e.g. color), Plugins, Code Syntax Highlighting

edited May 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have a simple vanilla forum.

I wanted to add some simple HTML into a discussion. I notice even as I enter this query that there is a "Format comments as HTML" option at the bottom of the page. I dont see that in my vanilla forum. Can someone please provide me a little guidance relative to how I might set that up for my users.

The second question that I have relates to an optional "checkbox" that a user might select next to a given discussion of interest. The thought would be that if there is activity within that discussion then the user would receive an automated e-mail notification indicating the activity.

Lastly, I did notice that there are several code syntax highlighting plugins. I'm wondering if these are 'server-side' plugins that will impact all users (which is what I want) or does each client have to install these plugins. I'm guessing that these require a simple server-side installation, and that they will then benefit all users. Can someone provide any thoughts relative to the syntax highlighting plugin(s) that you like the best.

Thanks in advance for any help.


  • Have a look at the Add-ons:
  • edited May 2009
    Thank you. That helps. I'll look to install the addon. Thanks again.
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