Start a fire with a soda can and a candy bar.

KrakKrak New
edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I came accross this a while back, just stumbled upon it once again while organizing my bookmarks a few minutes ago.

Did you know you can start a fire with a soda can and a candy bar? Read it, it just might save your life one day. Hey you never know. It sure is interesting though. And no, I have yet to try it, but Im am convinced it would work.

Edit: whoops! Posted the wrong link...fixed it, and added another

Start a fire
Build a stove with a soda can


  • that's funny
  • /me plays the MacGyver theme
  • remember when trolls used to come into threads and shout "OLD".. i won't do it in this one.
  • So are you old? Why would anyone announce their age on the forum is beyond me. */me snickers*
  • Kosmo plays the MacGyver theme
    Hahaha...I think I've seen almost every episode. Thats sad right.

    I never understood why "trolls" would post the "old" thing. While you might have seen it way back when, Im sure at least 1/2 of the other people here have not.
  • I have seen every MacGyver episode there is, I even have few seasons on DVD, it's grrreat! I'm against all those guys who post "old" on something, I suppose I should post "old" on everything I have ever heard, and boy, I can guarantee, it is ALOT!
  • The people who post old are those who think it's a mark of status to have seen something on the internet before others.

    I take a strong dislike towards such people.

    Trolls is the correct term.
  • Aww... what happened to the good old times when Trolls were those guys from Tolkiens books and D&D *cries*
  • haha, I played AD&D once upon a time.
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