Vanilla 2 Request: Javascript consolidation

edited May 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Looking at the pubic beta, it shows 12-13 js files being included in the head. This will end up causing a significant burden on page load since js files are not downloaded in parallel.
Steve Souders details the issue here:

He suggests putting scripts at the bottom of the page, which is an easy solution, but this causes you to execute all js on domready (that sometimes can be a problem).

Another alternative would be to consolidate all (or most) js files into a single file. This would reduce the load by minimizing the http requests.

If there are a number of js files that will be delivered on every page load, those files should definitely be consolidated into a single file. This should also apply to the css files.

Thanks. Can't wait for the Vanilla 2.


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