If I wanted to port Vanilla to Ruby on Rails...

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Where would I get started?

Vanilla's OO nature helps things considerably, but I still really don't know where to get started. Would anyone be interested in such a project?


  • not me... there are a few threads about this though. Hve you searched for them?
  • The only thead is about a month old.

    I just don't know what parts of Vanilla I wouldn't need to port due to the fact that they are basic framework things that RoR already does.

    Ideally I'd like the port to be identical on the surface. Themes for the original Vanilla should work without any issues on the new forum.
  • What would be the benefit of porting Vanilla? Besides being the awesome RoR. Is it worth the trouble.
  • Probably just my laziness. PHP doesn't make much sense to me. RoR does. I bet I could pick up the PHP in Vanilla pretty easily if I just tried.
  • haha
  • This is gonna be a fucking HUGE task - but if you're on for it i'm sure a lot of people would be interested to see it done. I'd still strongly suggest waiting atleast for 0.93 if not 1.0 so you know the codebase isnt gonna change dramatically..for a while anyway. I'm probably wrong but i'd say you go through each file working out what is already done by ruby and what's necessary to code again and do it that way - its probably a stupid way of doing things but if it works it means in the end the codebases are about as identical reference-wise as theyre gonna get.
  • I can't see a use in porting it. If the only reason is for development, then it is going to be a HUGE task to get a few extensions made. I suggest you learn enough PHP to get you throuh, and experiment from there.
  • Yeah, I think in that case, since ruby is a completely different animal you'll be forced to start at square one. The closest translation I can think of for Vanilla which would be made is using asp and even that wouldn't be so easy.
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