Google Advertising

edited June 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Can any of you please give me some idea, that how can i insert Advertising/Google Advertising in my forum? or is any of you can tell me is have in add-ons for advisements? thank you S M Arif


  • try this but replace my sample values with your own pub-id. then whenever you need to place a new/different ad, just copy the code and change the ad sizes wherever they are referenced, ad id, and the date the ad was created. echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--"; echo "\n"; echo "google_ad_client = \"pub-1020xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\""; echo "\n"; echo "/* 160x600, created 1/28/09 */"; echo "\n"; echo "google_ad_slot = \"07xxxxxxxxx\""; echo "\n"; echo "google_ad_width = 160"; echo "\n"; echo "google_ad_height = 600"; echo "\n"; echo "//--></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script></div>";
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    use the nuggets extension to insert google adsense code anywhere you want on your forum
  • The stuffdisplayer extension is perfect and super easy to use. You can place ads (or whatever html, script, etc.) you want above and below the header and at the footer as well.
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