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I need a new tab- but I need it to link to a different site...

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have no clue what I am doing here. I have a Wordpress run blog, and Vanilla was suggested as a good forum. I have to say, I love the way it functions. The only problem is, there isnt any way for me to link back to the site. I'd like a tab to go before the "discussions" tab, and I want it to link back to the homepage. I kinda know how to work extensions, but I have NO clue how to edit or write one. Can someone help please?


  • KrakKrak New
    edited September 2005 Rename all the words "NewPage" With what you want the link to be called. And rename "NewPage.php" to the URL you want the new tab to go to. Edit "$Position = "5"" to what position you want it to show up in. Before the discussion tab, try 1 I'd imagine. Edit that file and place it in your extension folder then enable it. That should do it.
  • That's about right. Try 1, I am sure that will put that tab BEFORE the discussions tab. Just a question for those MORE familar with this. Does the tab and panel position numbers start at 1 or 0? Most arrays start at 0, and I am assuming this is something similar.
  • WEll, I did what you asked, but it doesn't read as an extention when I pu it in the folder. ITs no where on the "manage extentions" list. Sigh- I'm prolly doing something stupidly wrong. <?php /* * Extension Name: hometabmaker * Extension Url: * Description: adds a home tab * Version: 1 * Author: me * Author Url: */ if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("index.php", "categories.php", "comments.php", "search.php", "post.php", "account.php", "settings.php", "newpage.php"))) { $Menu->AddTab("Back To Legend", "Back To Legend", "", "NewPageTab", $Attributes = "", $Position = "1", $ForcePosition = "1"); } ?> thats what I put- If it helps
  • In the extensions folder? Strange. I also assume you use a .php file extension? I'll test it and report back shortly.
  • <?php /* Extension Name: Home Tab Extension Url: Description: Adds home tab Version: 1 Author: Nathan Wheatley Author Url: */ if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("index.php", "categories.php", "comments.php", "search.php", "post.php", "account.php", "settings.php"))) { $Menu->AddTab("Back To Legend", "Back To Legend", "", "Home Tab", $Attributes = "accesskey=\"h\" target=\"_main\"", $Position = "2", $ForcePosition = "1"); } ?>

    Try that. That is just a modified version of one I made a little while ago. Just save is as homeTab.php and put it in your extensions folder.

    Sorry Krak if this is the same code you posted, but I did not read yours line for line, so i am not sure if there are errors.

    tell me how it goes.
  • The code formatter stripped the opening <?php tag, so you will have to add it to the top. Sorry.
  • edited September 2005

    I tidied it up a little. it will now load that link in the SAME window. It was opening your homepage in a NEW window. Fixed now. Positioning is also fixed. it is now positioned to the RIGHT of the discussions tab.

    I also put an access key. If the user presses alt+h it will take them home. Just in case you have QuickKeys on.

    I have tested htis and it all works fine.

    Home that helped.

    The source is available here.

    or here (remeber to add the < ?php before the FIRST line!):
    /* Extension Name: Home Tab Extension Url: Description: Adds home tab Version: 1 Author: Nathan Wheatley Author Url: */ if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("index.php", "categories.php", "comments.php", "search.php", "post.php", "account.php", "settings.php"))) { $Menu->AddTab("Back To Legend", "Back To Legend", "", "Home Tab", $Attributes = "accesskey=\"h\" target=\"_parent\"", $Position = "1", $ForcePosition = "1"); } ?>
  • Yeah that was the same code, cept you added the hot key, which is always good. Dunno why it didnt work for him, less he didnt drop the ".txt"
  • That is very possible. I did ask him, but he has yet to respond.
  • Gosh- you just made my whole day! =o) I was so worried that the support here would be less helpfull than at wordpress (I must have 50 WP questions a week that the forums help me with) but you realy came through for me. Thankyou so much! I don't know why it wasnt working for me. I made sure it was .php but, like I said before, I prolly did something random. But THANKYOU ALL this worked so well and its absolutely perfect.
  • Oh, and is the "him " referred to, me? because I've been away from the computer, or else I would have answered your questions, and BTW- I'm a she.
  • him is a very general term. We're very open minded round here you know. And ofcourse we're helpful, we kick ass! Welcome to vanilla, enjoy your stay.
  • Glad to hear its working for ya. Enjoy Vanilla! If you ever have any other questions/problems dont hesitate to ask.
  • I'm glad it worked for you. You are more than welcome.

    Oh, and is the "him " referred to, me? because I've been away from the computer, or else I would have answered your questions, and BTW- I'm a she.

    Sorry. I just assumed. That was bad of me.

    Please don't hesitate to ask us for more support. MOST of us will be as helpful as we can be.
  • Oh, and enjoy your stay.
  • hi guys...i downloaded nathan's php file and changed the links and uploaded it to my extensions folder but i still have no new tab.
  • have you enabled the extension?
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