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Language Selector doesn't change language

edited June 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello all, first post here and new Vanilla user. First off let me say great forum software. Was the only one that didn't require titanic efforts to get installed and actually worked after initial installation. Kudos! ON to the question. I want to add multi-lingual feature to my site I need 3 languages. I have chosen to install the Language Selector extension. I have followed the readme's to the best of my ability, and the extension does load and it is displayed on the appropriate screens. I also have installed the additional language packs into the Languages directory. They are selectable via the LanguageSelector extension....the problem is, it doesn't do anything. Once I select a different language it stays in English. Even logging out and back in to the Forum software does not see any result. IS there someone with knowledge of this extension that can help out? Best regards.


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