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Triggering Vanilla User Auth from 3rd Party User System?

edited 2009 09 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I have a question and was hoping that someone could help. I am looking for a simple bit of forum kit to allow a small community to communicate more efficiently. I have settled on Vanilla for this. I need to integrate my user system with the Vanilla user system. Now, this is fairly easy. Registering, changing roles, banning, deleting is all simple stuff and has already been completed. What I am struggling with is the login/logout system? When I log into a vanilla forum board can someone talk me through what happens. I am aware of some PHP sessions being set. Namely LussumoUserID and SessionPostBackKey. Could someone tell me how this SessionPostBackKey is generated? Is there any cookie stuff that is going on? Is it possible for me activate these user sessions from outside Vanilla? Or do I need to load up the vanilla libraries and trigger the relevant login function? I would very much appreciate any feedback or input into how to create Vanilla user sessions. Thanks


  • Hi, I'm looking for solutions on this too these days. May be this one is interesting for you: regards, Bruno
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