Lussumo Project Manager (beta)

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
A discussion about vanilla's cookie problems and the remember me fucntion not working properly got a little off topic and I started talking about a project manager for Lussumo projects (Vanilla, Filebrowser, maybe Lemonade etc.). I made a very very basic one, as a proof of concept. (see link at bottom of post). I built it using Drupal, the project module and a few other modules I made myself. The system can now handle CVS (or SVN) log messages, (so that all users can keep track of development), manage issue tracking (issue status, issue catagories, patches, etc. it is easier when you see it), and also manage the documentation. The book module (part of Drupal core) can be enabled to handle the documentation, and uses the wiki syntax. You can also add/ edit your own tags (admins only), so that the transition from other wiki software is not so hard. I would appreciate your comments/ feedback on the issue. Do you think this would be useful of Lussumo? I am not saying use this, just something like this. here is the link: Feel free to sign up, play around. To view an example project (vanilla) click on the vanilla link in the right sidebar, or click here:


  • Looks ok, I just created an account. however, it looks a bit over-simplified and I'm not used to running with drupal but we'll have to wait and see. I do like this layout however so that's a plus. I suppose once we get a show diff and can check in/out files we can see what's going on and how to proceed as soon as there's actual files attached to the bugs and projects there. I think that mark should set something like this up on his server unless you don't mind running it all, I don't mind it one bit, but it's just more domains I need to track :)
  • If you wanted me to host it I would. I just did it as a proof of concept, to show what I think Lussumo needed. Attach files, do what ever. Actually add a few bugs/ issue in there. Just to get a better feel.
  • With all this developing and brainstorming and what ever going on, we should consider pitching a donation and making Mark buy his own server at some server hotels, now there is a serious thought eh?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That's sweet. I really like it. I'd host that for sure.
  • Thanks Mark. Do you want anything changed? Drupal is EASILY themed, so I could have it looking like the current Wiki in no time. Does the functionality meet your needs? Do you want anything added/ removed? I am glad it is getting a positive response. lech: What do you mean 'it looks a bit over-simplified'? I have found that MANY people dislike Drupal, or are 'afraid' of it because of its complexity. I removed all that stuff from your view. If you wan to see the working of it, let me know and I will give your user full access. I just did not want to scare you guys. I wanted to make it simple.
  • Ok so I stopped playing with Ubuntu and checked it out. I think thats perfect (maybe some slight changes). It took me a sec to notice the projects. But I find it a lot easier to dig through than the wiki. And the forms for submiting stuff is neat.. View pending, assigned to, report, thats all very groovy. Would make it nice to post up what extensions people want, then people could say "hey, I want to make that" toss their name up, etc... Same with bugs. I like it Is it cool to start using it? Or like you said this is just for testing. Is Mark gonna host it? Should we hold off for a bit? Lets get it rolling. I think it would be extremely helpfull, and it would streamline the flow of thoughts/work on Vanilla.
  • Well mark said he would host it (see above somewhere). If you don't mind, could you hold off for REAL issues. This is more a proof of concept, and there needs to be a little code tidy up before I want it used full time. I will finish if off this evening (with support for the doc). Then I'll open it up for everyone. I might theme it also, so that it looks like the current wiki (sort of). I am glad you like it. Mark is really busy this month, so I am not sure if he could get it up and hosted, so I will do it in the mean time. But hold off for a day or two. I'll let you know when you can.
  • No sweat, no hurry.
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