ODD BEHAVIOR: Forced to Log-in Twice, Error Pages, Page Cannot Be Found

edited July 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi All,

I'm having weird issues when trying to log in. For instance:

IE7 - user logs in and is immediately taken to an error page that can't be resolved by the browser. The url is http://www.mysite.com/forum/people.php. A quick refresh pulls up the log-in page yet again. I submit my credentials again, and all works fine and dandy. If you log-out, log-back-in, all is good. This only occurs on new browser sessions.

FF3 - user attempts to log-in, and they are instantly redirected to the following page load error: http://://www.mysite.com/forum/

Please note the double ':// ://' in the URL. Unless the user removes the duplicate ://, nothing can be done to correct the issue.

Found the solution in another post. It appears the installer adds the extra :// in the settings.php file for the $configuration ['HTTP_METHOD'].

Very funny behavior. Any help/insight is greatly appreciated.

Using VANILLA 1, fresh install with no extensions.



  • After much deliberation, it turns out I was not "overwriting" my settings.php file when uploading it to the production server. My FTP user did not have the proper permissions. Once I corrected this issue and overwrote the settings.php file with the adjustments recommended in this thread, the login issues ceased to persist. -Hope this helps the next guy. Thanks!
  • thanks alot this is a great help :) worked for me
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