Over 10,000 downloads and counting...

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just checked the stats, and we've now had over 10,000 people download Vanilla. It's actually way over 10,000 right now - I've just been too busy to check it lately.

Yay for us :)


  • Thats because Vanilla kicks so much ass!
  • Contratulations.
  • is that for all versions, or just ? either way, congrats bro :D
  • Vanilla is like Firefox, better than others and slowly eating it's way to the top!
  • Damn, that's a load.

    I wonder how many of those are actually forums now or will be in the future?
  • Why don't you stick a download counter on getvanilla.com? Like the one Mozilla have for Firefox.
  • Well, I think many of the forums are like mine or Krak's, mostly for our own personal pimpage and theme making. But I think there are some large communities aswell. Maybe we should put some sort of link list to the getvanilla.com, where people could link their install of Vanilla. Could be swell.
  • 10k downloads is decent. i know i'll be implementing vanilla in the future... just need a few more extensions to convince my users. also the guys at work have seen me using this forum and their initial reaction was really positive. i can see us using vanilla for forums from now on. :-)
  • Better than that kosmo would be the call-home thing if mark implements it in his next release - then we'll know exactly how many forums there are out there (and if he wants to do a bit of spying, how many users etc)
  • wow dude that is awesome.
  • this is the best forum software! great to hear that the world starts listening ;o) congrats!
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