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terms of service doesn't work

edited July 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello, after some time my forum is nearly ready - but now I noticed, that the terms of service don't work. It simply doesn't show any text - a new windows opens but it is blank. I hope someone has an idea. Some data: - vanilla 1.1.8 - tested with firefox 3.anything and IE7 - i have the extended applications form active (deactivate it doesn't make a change) vegano


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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Have you tried re-uploading the file?
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    No, I haven't re-uploaded the file. After reading nearly every file of vanilla I noticed, that the only problem is, that termsofservice.php doesn't what it is suposed to do. So I took the PHP-lines out and filled it with static content - not it works... Don't know what the problem is - but I don't matter any longer -not it works without PHP *happy*
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    I had the same problem on a Vanilla test installation in a foreign language. I also had some plugins translated so I used the Extension Language Loader plugin. That's when I noticed the ToS window was blank. I fixed it by commenting the following line in the termsofservice.php: include($Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'].'conf/language.php');
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