Only 3 tabs visible

edited July 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi! Newbie here. I just installed Vanilla 1.1.8 and here are the things I see: 1. No 'start a new discussion' link 2. Don't see my user name as logged in 3. Only three tabs visible - Discussions, Categories and Search I'm sure I'm missing something in the installation. Could someone please check and let me know? Thank you


  • Hi, I think you aren't logged in. so do these two things: 1) change the name of the folder of vanilla for "vanilla-1.1.8" to (for example) "vanilla" - the dots will only cause trouble 2) search for Not signed in (Sign In) in the corner on the right hand top. click on "sign in" an logg in with your log in data. Should work...
  • Hi, I tried re-naming vanilla-1.1.8 to 'vanilla' and all the links seemed broken. So I deleted the whole application and re-installed it. This time I was able to log in after 2 attempts and the page it takes me to gives 404 error. Please walk me through :( Thanks
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