Automatic mailer software

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Yes, I'm looking for some kind of software that could automatically sen adverts to our clients. It's not a spam, the emails are all given to us for to keep them updated about our products. Anyone have any experience on this kind of thing?


  • Lemonade? You'll have to wait though. Mailman is crap (to hard to use). I don't know of any others that are worthy.
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited October 2005
    MaxBulk Mailer ( is ok for OS X, it's not aqua-pretty but it does the job ok. Online options, and have both caught my eye but haven't had a chance to try these yet...
  • Oh. I though you meant online ones. Sorry.
  • Well, I was basically meaning online ones, since there is going to be more users than me, but if there are some good free software that is good too. And I'm waiting for Lemonade like kid for a christmast, but we are in need of something somewhat soon. But when Lemonade comes I'm going to be using that fo sho!
  • Well... Mark said he would release it with the nex rev, and he ESTIMATES that the next rev will be out end of this month. How does that sound?
  • Is that soon enough or do I need to keep looking? :P
  • I'm not sure, since the "perfect" plan is still cooking on my boss' head. But I'll pitch him the idea, so we'll see what he has to say.
  • Errr, what's Lemonade, can someone link me up?
  • BenBen
    edited October 2005
    It's Mark's new thing. Try here.
  • Is there any evidence that mark said lemonade would be out with the next release? I cant find it and i dont remember it happening, but wow if its true. the man is a machine!
  • I swaer I saw it somewhere. I don't think I would have said it otherwise. I'll do a quick search and have a look.
  • Can't find it. I might be wrong, but I am certain he said it. Sorry if I was wrong guys.
  • He said that at the end of the month, he has like two weeks to work on the Vanilla software because his wife is going on a trip or somethin similar. And he said that he is trying to push the next Vanilla release out at that time AND work on the other softwares that he had planned.
  • yeah i was aware he's working on it but knowing the time-scales mark runs over to produce software (of no disrespect to him atall, naturally. the fact he can chuck stuff like this out atall just using his free time amazes me) i'd be very surprised to see an idea come from drawing board to beta in a month or two (not knowing how long he's been thinking about lemonade, mind)
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