Whisper bug discovered.

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
ok so the end result is not being able to read the topic anymore! :-( see screenshot of the php converter thread:

vanilla screen grab

- basically i whispered to minisweeper
- i then edited my whisper and submitted the changes
- i then noticed that my whisper was no longer a whisper and was viewable by all (i didn't remove minisweepers username myself)
- so i edited the whisper again to add in minisweeper into the whisper box
- and now i can no longer see the thread

can anyone else see it? or is it just me?


  • it's a known bug, and i think it's fixed in the next coming version.
  • http://lussumo.com/docs/doku.php?id=vanilla:bugs 4th from the bottom. I am not sure the 'hiding' of the thread is covered in that bug though. You migh want to read the entire other thread, and check it out for yourself. Thanks for posting the bug.
  • yeah no mention of the hiding aspect. the thread that entry links to is the 'n00b thread' and doesn't really talk about this bug. although it is quite amusing!
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