Image in place of site title?

edited August 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I'm using the organic theme, but i think this is a more general question: How can the site title be replaced with an image? Which file has the source? Thanks!


  • For the default theme header image file file look at

    It is referenced to from vanilla.css in the same directory, how you change it is up to you, I only just started playing around with Vanilla yesterday. I'm pretty excited about it, it's soooo easy to use.
  • thanks, bob. I was able to find the image file (I'm using the organic theme, not the the vanilla one), but the text still appears. I have played with the css and made the text of the site title smaller, but I would like to replace it with an image so it can be linkable as the text is. thanks for your time.

    does anyone else have a solution?
  • sjeepssjeeps
    edited August 2009
    In menu.php look for this line:

    <div id="Title"><a href="'.GetUrl($this->Context->Configuration, 'index.php').'">'.$this->Context->Configuration['BANNER_TITLE'].'</a></div>';

    And replace it with this:

    <div id="Title"><a href="YOUR_IMAGE"></a></div>';
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Moved to Vanilla 1 category...
  • Thanks sjeeps, have not tested yet, but that seems like it should do it. I'm sorry, Todd, what do you mean by Vanilla 1? Is this forum for Vanilla 2 (beta)?
  • Hey sjeeps, I couldn't find that link in menu.php. Was that themes/menu.php or is there another one?
  • Oh, never mind, themes/organic/menu.php. Thanks!
  • I tried this code:
    and it did take away the text title like I wanted, but the logo image was not displayed (except as the background, which is where it usually is anyway).
    I tired:
    but that also didn't work. The logo is now displayed rather nicely, but it's not linkable. Any suggestions?

    Thank you, as always, for your time, I really appreciate it.
  • Try this:

    <div id="Title"><a href="'.GetUrl($this->Context->Configuration, 'index.php').'"><img src="Your_image" /></a></div>';
  • thats so post didn't show my code. What do you do to add code to your posts?
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    edited August 2009
    Put your code inside <code> tags.
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